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Play with your Play – 25th April

A workshop where directors and actors play with your play. the intention is for you to introduce your work to us. Writers must attend this live event. Please do not enter if you are unable to attend.

Thurs 23rd May 7pm
The studio below, Liverpool
Facilitator Molly Farquhar and Luke Sookdeo
Deadline 12th May midnight

 We are currently looking for full plays 30-45 mins up to 3 characters that are fun and unusual, ripe for the fringe, for our director facilitators and actors to work with. They will choose three to work on live at the Studio Below. You have the chance to ask all present about your work and how to improve it. If the directors like it, you might get a chance to have it produced with us. This is a general introduction so we can get to know you. You will see your play on it’s feet and just what a director would do with it.

Please make sure your submission has a cast list at the top with ages and gender, where needed. Write a short synopsis of the performance and anything else you think might persuade us to pick your work.

Please make sure you give us full contact details including phone number.

The studio has no disabled access but do let us know and we can arrange a zoom reading at another time, should our director be interested in your play.