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Double Bill – Dancing at 3am and Down the Alley

Double Bill-Dancing at 3 am and Down The Alley

Thursday 5th October at 6.30 and 8pm (2 showings)

Dancing at 3am

By Fiona Leonard
Director Julie Broardbent
Two very different women unfold the sad and poignant tales of their pasts when they are brought together in the rather surreal setting of dancing and cake making in the wee small hours. A moving and sensitive offering culled from the Fringe’s 24-hour play event. 

Actors: Rachel Pennington and Kirsten Hawkins


Down the Alley 

By Brian Hutchinson 
Director Julie Broadbent
Two homeless people Ester and Charles bed down at the back of The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool. Charles is tipsy, battling his demons. Ester is displeased at his encroachment into her private space.

Actors: Clare McGrath and Luke Morgan