What's Stopping you ?
Saturday 21st October at 6.30 and 8.30pm (2 showings)
An Unstoppable Showcase of New Writing from the Stories to Screen Project and the Directors Chair workshop
Six plays that all echo the theme “What’s Stopping You ?” The project gave six writers a chance to show us that there are no obstacles to writing what really matters to them. Individual voices really shine out in the showcase. We also have filmed interviews with those who took part in the project.
Writers: JD Justice, Louise Bennett, Suzie Sinclair Wood Cunningham, Bethany Murray, Rachel Pennington and Matt shiel
Plays: Our Stage Fright, Neurodiverse girl, Something’s not Right, Don’t call me Vulnerable, Sedation and Reflections
Plays: Our Stage Fright, Neurodiverse girl, Something’s not Right, Don’t call me Vulnerable, Sedation and Reflections
Directors: Wayne Stuart-Cole, Sharon Colpman, Clare McGrath, Rachel Pennington and Liz Hardy
Actors: Ben Dalby, Jack Browne, Robbie James-Williamson, Rachel Pennington, Lauren Blakeway, Chris Stokes, Clare Brumby, Alan Walsh, Hannah Lewin, Kirsten Hawkins, Craig Woodcock and Hannah Monks
Thanks to our Funders The National Lottery Community fund