Creative play writing- 8 week course

Creative Play writing with Kiefer Wes Williams

Course details

This 8-part course is delivered by Grin Theatre’s Kiefer Wes Williams aims to give writers all they need to write a full play

In this intermediate playwriting course, participants are aiming to produce a 45-minute script through guided sessions and workshops related to writing for the stage. Participants MUST have some playwriting experience as this is NOT a beginners course. 

Price £48 per person. (This can be paid in three instalments)

What you will learn

The eight sessions will cover the following elements:

Giving in to Your Muse : the writer and the imagination – how the writer can harness individual imagination through writing techniques and exercises. Also to look how inspiration plays an important role in the writing process.

Setting Goals and maintaining discipline :  How to target the writers time and delegate writing tasks in a sensible and stress-free manner. Setting realistic goals and balancing writing time and lifestyle.

Characterisation and Dialogue :   how to refine characterisation and dialogue through your writing. Understanding the importance of character development and extending how dialogue works to the writers advantage

Mapping the Journey :   Understanding the ideal plotting tools available to the writer. Realising the journey to be taken. Making use of logging techniques. Being one step ahead of the process.

Creating The Script  :    How to pull everything together in a cohesive whole. Learning to edit and facing the final draft. How to access where you are at this moment

Delivery of Script   :  To the tutor and to be given a basic assessment by both MiW and Grin Theatre. For an additional fee we can dramaturg or give a detailed assessment. This can be discussed at the end of the course.


The course is designed in such a way that writers are able to communicate, develop and utilise their skills in a workshop setting to eventually produce and present scripts for submissions to either MiW and/or Grin Theatre Company

The course is designed to run over the course of 8 Saturdays 10.30-12.30 at Studio Below, 39 Rodney Street

Dates between: 8/3/25 and 26/4/25 

We'd love to hear from you

The Studio Below,
39 Rodney Street,
L1 9EN

Progressing your acting – Towards the Professional Stage

Progress Your Acting - Towards the Professional Stage (Level 1)

Course details

This 6-part course is delivered by Grin Theatre’s artistic director Kiefer Wes Williams and produced by Make It Write Productions. 

The actor will learn how to fine tune their skills for the stage and progress their acting career.

The course of six sessions is designed as a springboard to the advanced actor’s course which is later this year. In order to progress onto Level Two, you must attend this first course.

Price £70  (can be paid in 3 instalments of £24)

At Level One the actor will learn the techniques and dynamics of acting including:

  • Characterisation
  • Voice
  • Improvisation skills
  • Physicality
  • Preparation for audition and performance
  • Emotional resonance and response
  • Focus on dialogue and line learning.
  • Building confidence
  • Understanding the script
  • Understanding teamwork
  • Monologue
  • Actors Toolbox
  • Listening skills
  • Classical theatre and play reading.
  • Marketing your talents
  • And many more topics


The course is designed to run over the course of 6 consecutive Saturdays 10-12noon at Studio Below, 39 Rodney Street

4/11/18/25 May 1/8 June

Come along if you want to sharpen your acting and performance skills. The course is strictly 18+

Play with your Play – 25th April

A workshop where directors and actors play with your play. the intention is for you to introduce your work to us. Writers must attend this live event. Please do not enter if you are unable to attend.

Thurs 23rd May 7pm
The studio below, Liverpool
Facilitator Molly Farquhar and Luke Sookdeo
Deadline 12th May midnight

 We are currently looking for full plays 30-45 mins up to 3 characters that are fun and unusual, ripe for the fringe, for our director facilitators and actors to work with. They will choose three to work on live at the Studio Below. You have the chance to ask all present about your work and how to improve it. If the directors like it, you might get a chance to have it produced with us. This is a general introduction so we can get to know you. You will see your play on it’s feet and just what a director would do with it.

Please make sure your submission has a cast list at the top with ages and gender, where needed. Write a short synopsis of the performance and anything else you think might persuade us to pick your work.

Please make sure you give us full contact details including phone number.

The studio has no disabled access but do let us know and we can arrange a zoom reading at another time, should our director be interested in your play.