LGBTQ+ Theatre Making – MIW and Grin Theatre.

Making Good LGBTQ+ Theatre as part of the Queer Words Weekend

 Kiefer Wes Williams (Grin Theatre Producer) and Sharon Colpman (MIW Producer) are your facilitators to bring you A workshop that will give you a better understanding of acting, writing, directing and producing Queer Theatre.

Participants will:

  • Examine the History of LGBTQ Theatre and it’s influences on modern theatre
  • Understand the importance of diverse voices in Playwriting and theatre
  • Discuss playwriting from a Queer point of view
  • Create an idea for a short 10-minute play on the theme of LGBTQ

Course details

This course will run on 31st August 2pm to 5pm. It will be held at The Studio Below (39 Rodney St. Liverpool)

Doors will be open from 1.30pm where refreshments will be available, for a prompt start at 2pm. The course finishes at 5pm. Please bring a note book and wear comfortable clothing.

All participants are welcome

The course is £30

Stories to Screen

stories to screen

Everyone has a tale to tell

Our lottery funded project is offering people that would like to start writing but are not sure where to start or people that prefer to tell stories out loud but struggle putting pen to paper. We are also offering spaces to people that would like to learn about film making and editing but don’t have the equipment to give it a try. Patrick Graham, echo journalist for L8, and other special guests, will be joining us on this playful journey to discover the stories you’d like to tell and those that are personal to you. The project allows you to organise a spoken word night and as your stories are turned into films and documentaries, a film night will end the course. There is no fee to participate but an understanding of the value of this course to each member must be recognised at the start of the course. The course will start Wednesday 24th May, 18.30-20.30 at the Studio Below, Liverpool. Contact us if you would like to hear more. Please let us know why you’d like to be part of the course.

Please specify your interests in the message box below.



An introduction into the creative world of sketches, skits and all things silly through improvisation, devising and sharing fun together.
Whether you’re a keen writer, performer or lover of comedy all are welcome.
Co-facilitated by professional artists Merv and Jen, who between them have a wealth of creative knowledge and making stuff up and being daft off and on stage.

The taster session is designed to show you the importance of improvisation and devising when it comes to script writing and sketch writing.

Decide if you’d like to continue onto the full course of workshops at the end of this taster session.

Join us on Sunday 7th May (10am – 4pm) but sign up below. The full day is only £30