What’s Stopping You?

What's Stopping you ?

Saturday 21st October at 6.30 and 8.30pm (2 showings)

An Unstoppable Showcase of New Writing from the Stories to Screen Project and the Directors Chair workshop

Six plays that all echo the theme “What’s Stopping You ?” The project gave six writers a chance to show us that there are no obstacles to writing what really matters to them. Individual voices really shine out in the showcase. We also have filmed interviews with those who took part in the project.
Writers: JD Justice, Louise Bennett, Suzie Sinclair Wood Cunningham, Bethany Murray, Rachel Pennington and Matt shiel
Plays: Our Stage Fright, Neurodiverse girl, Something’s not Right, Don’t call me Vulnerable, Sedation and Reflections
Directors: Wayne Stuart-Cole, Sharon Colpman, Clare McGrath, Rachel Pennington and Liz Hardy

Actors: Ben Dalby, Jack Browne, Robbie James-Williamson, Rachel Pennington, Lauren Blakeway, Chris Stokes, Clare Brumby, Alan Walsh, Hannah Lewin, Kirsten Hawkins, Craig Woodcock and Hannah Monks

Thanks to our Funders The National Lottery Community fund

Double Bill – Dancing at 3am and Down the Alley

Double Bill-Dancing at 3 am and Down The Alley

Thursday 5th October at 6.30 and 8pm (2 showings)

Dancing at 3am

By Fiona Leonard
Director Julie Broardbent
Two very different women unfold the sad and poignant tales of their pasts when they are brought together in the rather surreal setting of dancing and cake making in the wee small hours. A moving and sensitive offering culled from the Fringe’s 24-hour play event. 

Actors: Rachel Pennington and Kirsten Hawkins


Down the Alley 

By Brian Hutchinson 
Director Julie Broadbent
Two homeless people Ester and Charles bed down at the back of The Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool. Charles is tipsy, battling his demons. Ester is displeased at his encroachment into her private space.

Actors: Clare McGrath and Luke Morgan

The Catbox

The Catbox

Thursday 12th October at 6.30 and 8.30pm (2 showings)

By Karl Owens

Director Abbey Fitzhenry

A comic drama, set in South Manchester, focusing on members of the Northern Voices, Writers Group. These four socially disastrous, slightly damaged people, who without realising it, have only the writers’ group and each other to escape the horrors of the real world.

Actors: Julie Frost, Alan McDonald. Tara J. Mallinson and Rob Tovey

Double Bill – Uncle Toad and I hate Charlie Pickles

Double Bill-Uncle Toad and I hate Charlie Pickles

Friday 13th October at 6.30 and 8pm (2 showings)

I Hate Charlie Pickles

By Ian Cragg
Director Kevin Foott
Assistant Director Catherine Leen
An ageing old style comic struggling to make a living yearns to shed his stage character and do something new. When opportunity knocks his agent is anxious about his abilities and hides the great chance. Fate takes a hand, but who has the last laugh?

Actors: Graham Padden, Sarah Howes-Dixon and Darren Jones


Uncle Toad. 

By Jamie Cunliffe. 
Director Sinead Renaye


A personal powerful drama. When the legendary evil uncle Nick (otherwise Uncle Toad) arrives unannounced, Chris learns some startling stuff about his past. But Nick’s nasty history is also entwined with Chris’s wife Maggie. What secrets will he disclose about her? 

Actors: Dan Fieldsend, Clare McGrath and Andy Edwards

Make it Write-a-Vision

Make it Write-a-Vision

FRI 05 MAY 2023 19:30 - SAT 06 MAY 2023 19:30

Four new plays celebrating Liverpool hosting the Eurovision contest. The local Ukraine community was kind enough to offer our team some ideas. On offer “Love Shines a Light,” about a Eurovision duo getting back together, by Crosby writer Bernie Winston; “From Waterloo with Love”, about a taxi ride with romance in the air, by Steve Bird from Liverpool; “Iceland”, could love decide who wins a special Eurovision pub-quiz? by Dublin writer Sean Denyer; and “Life and Souls”, a Ukraine themed tale, by Liverpool’s Wallace Charles.

Park Life


The park keeper is retiring. He is reflecting on his life in the park. He has seen all sorts of life from the plants growing to the young vandals turning into responsible adults. Watch snapshots of peoples stories through the seasons in the park in this uplifting and unusually written play. Make it Write’s Tag Team Writers wrote sections of this play without actually meeting each other. David Haworth put it all together and Elaine Stewart Directs, Dylan Russell is assistant director . 4th to 5th October at the Casa Bar/Theatre, Hope Street, Liverpool

Seven Slices of Life

Sseven slices of life

As part of our theatre makers course brand new writers and brand new directors brought together an evening of short plays all expressing slices of real life. From a robbery at a pizza shop to a woman buying a robot companion, to the youngest Brothel keeper and the first time a nurse meets death. Beautiful, funny and uplifting. Opening nights reviewed it as being a brave production that really worked.

Stand Up

Stand Up

A play about a man who loses it all. His career as a Stand Up is failing, He has separated from his wife and daughter due to his gambling and now she has a new man on the scene. Borrowing money plunges him into danger and drug dealing. But what are the odds he can win it all back. Pretty slim! Written by Bernie Winston and directed by Kevin Foott. Performed at the CASA, Liverpool.

Proud Daddy

Proud Daddy

Getting Pregnant should be easy but not when you have slow swimmers. A group of black friends go on a camping trip during the Obama Election, partly to celebrate, pertly to exorcise a few ghosts and partly to fine a father that his been much missed in a man’s life. Written by Chase Johnston-Lynch and co- directed by Chase and Merv. Jones.Originally performed at The playhouse studio, Liverpool and co- produced with Kai Jolley.